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Reviewers 2023
The journal wishes to thank the following esteemed reviewers for voluntarily rendering their expert opinion, thus helping us to improve the quality of publication of Indian Journal of Postgraduate Dermatology (IJPGD).
Aishwarya Muddebihal, India
Ananta Khurana, India
Anupam Das, India
Bandhala Rajan M, India
Bhabani Singh, India
Bikash Kar, India
Biswanath Behera, India
Chander Grover, India
Chinmoy Raj, India
Dheeraj Shah, India
Diksha Agrawal, India
Feroze Kaliyadan, Saudi Arabia
Geeti Khullar, India
Hitaishi Mehta, India
Ishan Agrawal, India
Krina Patel, India
Liza Mohapatra, India
Maitreyee Panda, India
Manish Pahwa, India
Nilay Das, India
Nilendu Sarma, India
Piyush Jain, India
Pooja Agarwal, India
Prateek Nayak, India
Puravoor Jayasree, India
Ritu K, India
Sachin Gupta, India
Sahana Srihari, India
Savitha Sharath, India
Siddhartha Dash, India
Soumya Jagadeesan, India
Soumya Sachdeva, India
Suman Patra, India
Surabhi Sinha, India
Taru Garg, India
Vinay Keshavamurthy, India
Yogesh Marfatia, India